Michelle Lozano Villegas is a 2012 LSGS Certificate alumn from Los Angeles, Calif. She majored in Public Policy Studies, with a minor in Spanish.
What are your goals/plans after graduation?
Grad school or law school. Perhaps a year off to gain some work experience.
What is the best class you have taken at Duke?
Many great classes. PPS116: Policy Choice as Value Conflict Spanish. 106C: Issues in Education and Immigration in North Carolina. ICS 131E: Elections and Social Protest in Latin America. LSGS100: Introduction to Latino/a Studies History. 105S: American Immigration History 188A: Genocide in the 20th Century. Can’t choose.
What is your favorite non-academic experience at Duke?
Breaks often mean road trips. I’ve gone up to D.C. for protests such as the 2010 CIR protest, and the Trail of Dreams march. Also went to the Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear. Once I drove up to New York to watch the 2009 Gold Cup final (Mexico vs. USA: 5-0). With that being said, make it a top priority to find a friend with a car. :)