Funding Opportunities

Undergraduate, Graduate and Faculty Conference Travel Awards

Latino/a Studies is able to offer travel awards of up to $250 for Duke faculty, graduate and undergraduate students who would like to attend and/or present papers on Latino/a topics at conferences or professional meetings. Please bear in mind that LSGS prioritizes requests by undergraduate students. If you are planning to attend or participate in a conference, we encourage you to submit your request as far in advance of the travel as possible. Awards will be determined on a rolling basis. All requests must be submitted prior to the start of travel; no awards will be made retroactively.

Applications should include a one page proposal stating funding needs, including cost of airfare and registration, and reference to any other funding sources available. Award recipients will agree to present their work at a Latino/a Studies event.

Co-sponsorship Support for Events

Contact us if you are organizing an event that you would like Latino/a Studies to help support financially or through publicity. We try to support as many Latino/a Studies-related talks, performances, screenings, and other events as possible. Please include the following information in your request: description of event; speaker bio (if relevant); anticipated date, time, and location; organizing unit; intended audience; budget; and other contributions sought and/or received.

Course Development Funds

Small grants are available to faculty and instructors interested in developing Latino/a Studies courses and/or incorporating Latino/a Studies content into existing courses. Please contact our office for further information.

Nota Bene ––  Regarding Undergraduate Summer Research on U.S. Latino/a Issues: We encourage students to review the Opportunities page of the Undergraduate Research Support Office for a full list of funding sources, including several grants for students wishing to pursue research related to Latino/a communities and topics.